A Letter from our CEO

At Threads Uniform Agency we value the well-being of our teammates, our customers, our partners, and the communities in which we serve. We take pride in providing quality goods and services in a way that positively influences our environment.
In that regard, we have developed a thorough process to be sure we act with integrity and source our products responsibly. That commitment extends to our supplier partners and the factories producing our goods, and we appreciate their cooperation and support in meeting our labor compliance goals. Threads Uniform Agency values strong business relationships, and our Supplier Code of Conduct outlines our goals and expectations. Specifically, we expect our partners to provide a safe and healthy work environment and to treat their employees fairly and ethically.
We are committed to investigating any claims of impropriety among our suppliers or agents, and if necessary, we will cease doing business with organizations whose practices are not aligned with our objectives. For other than egregious or zero tolerance violations, Threads Uniform Agency Compliance Policy is built on a philosophy of continuous improvement and we are able to enlist third parties to independently monitor and report on progress.
Because this matters to our team, I invite you to review the details of our platform on social compliance and bring any concerns directly to us. We are all in this together…thank you for working with us on this important issue.
With appreciation,
Jeff Ukrop